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Varicose Veins and Clothing

Varicose Veins and Clothing

varicose veinsCan certain clothing items cause varicose veins to form? This isn’t simply a yes or no answer. Clothing itself doesn’t create varicose veins on the body; however, certain types of clothing can worsen a current vein condition in terms of pain.

Maintaining healthy veins and circulation is the key in preventing various vein diseases. But sometimes, a person can have many risk factors that can lead to such disorders; some of these risks are within their control and others are not.

Preventative Care for Your Veins

If you currently have a venous disease or disorder or have a higher risk of developing one, it’s best to avoid constructive and tight clothing and high-heeled shoes. Other clothing items to avoid are: girdles, garters and socks that have tight elastic bands – these articles of clothing can restrict circulation in your body, which could lead to the beginning of a vein disorder.

Here are some more details about clothing to wear or to avoid wearing to keep your veins healthy:

Avoid Wearing

Skinny Jeans – These tight pants can reduce circulation in the entire lower half of the body. Also, these jeans can be very uncomfortable to wear if you currently have a vein disorder, like varicose veins, because the fabric is tougher and it squeezes and pushes up against the skin.

Shapewear – Items in this category, include: Spanx, girdles, and control top hosiery/underwear. The items are extremely tight and push into the skin on your body, which can decrease circulation.

High heels – In a high heel shoe, the heel is elevated making your calf muscle be in a constant state of contraction. In this state, the calf muscle becomes less efficient in pumping blood back up the legs and to the heart. With poorer circulation, wearing heels could lead to the development of varicose veins.

Tight belts and socks should also be avoided.

Do Wear

Loose/baggy clothing – These types of clothes hang on the body rather than press up against it, so circulation is not compromised. Tights and leggings (although a tighter fit on the body) are still OK to wear because they are made with elastic material.

Soft-soled shoes – With your heel being in a flat position, the calf muscle can properly pump blood back up the leg.

Compression stockings – These stockings provide support that assists veins in the legs and keeps them from becoming stretched and distended; they help promote healthy circulation. These stockings can be worn after recovery from a medical procedure and as preventive care for vein diseases. With a larger percentage of the population in office jobs, most people do not get enough exercise throughout the day. By sitting in a chair for an extended period of time, the veins in the legs are under high pressure all day and the blood has a harder time being pumped back up to the heart. Compression stockings can help the blood flow, and reduce any swelling and cramping. These days, compression stockings come in different colors, materials, and styles, so you can wear them under pants or with a dress and skirt and still be stylish.

Learn More About Clothing and Varicose Veins

You don’t have to change your wardrobe. Whether you’re at high risk for a venous disease or currently have a problem, it doesn’t mean you have to entirely get rid of certain clothing or footwear from your closet. A few small switches or habit changes can have your legs feelings a whole lot better. To learn more about preventing or treating venous disease, contact Dr. Zuzga at West Florida Vein Center. He can advise, diagnose, and treat any vein-related concerns or problems you have. Contact West Coast Florida Vein Center by clicking here or by calling 727-712-3233.

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