Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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What to do About Facial Spider Veins

What to do About Facial Spider Veins

facial spider veinsBroken capillaries (which present as spider veins) can form nearly anywhere on a person’s body, interestingly most are often found on either the legs or the face.

While leg based spider veins can be the cause of discomfort, those who have them on their face can additionally have to deal with feeling great embarrassment as well. Spider veins, unfortunately, are not easily treated and the damage they can cause is often irreversible. Spider veins will not fade or disappear with time.  The best plan is to prevent them from ever forming in the first place.

Avoid trauma to the face

Injury to the skin can cause the appearance of facial spider veins. The tiny capillaries in the face are so sensitive, that even scrubbing the face too hard during face washing can cause the capillaries to expand and break. That leads to the appearance of bruise-like spider veins which sometimes can mimic rosacea as well.

Unlike normal bruises other places on the body, these will not heal, at least not without medical treatment. Even washing your face with water that is too hot can have this result. It’s so important to be both gentle with your skin and protective of it as well.

Avoid Heavy Alcohol Intake

Those who drink excessively will also often end up having problems with spider veins. Overdoing it on the drinking over long periods of time can lead to high blood pressure, which dilates the veins throughout the body and most visibly in the facial region. Multiple years of alcohol use and abuse can cause this dilation to remain open permanently, causing irreversible damage to the fragile vascular network of the face.

While treatment for spider veins is available, most insurance policies are written to consider these techniques to be strictly cosmetic leaving you to pay out of pocket. Because of this, treating facial spider veins can be very expensive, and, because the complete removal of spider veins is nearly impossible, even after multiple treatments, patients are often disappointed with their results.

Age and Genetics

Aging is inevitable and we have no control over a family with a history of genetic spider veins, but it’s important to be aware of how they may affect you as you, yourself get older. Chronic skin conditions are readily passed down. If your parents have them it is more likely that you may at some point in your life as well. The presence of such conditions will only become more visible as you age because your skin becomes thinner and more transparent over time. It’s important to know whether your family history makes you more prone to facial spider veins, as this knowledge can make you more careful in your day-to-day health.

Once you start to spot spider veins, the patient is more often than not left with irreversible damage that can affect both their comfort and their confidence. When it comes to spider veins, prevention is certainly key, and though some risk factors are unpreventable, make sure that you are taking steps today to preserve your vein health for tomorrow, and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

If you already have these veins present please come to see us. For minor beginning issues, we may be able to halt them in their tracks. Visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com or give us a call at (727) 712-3233. Offices in Safety Harbor, Florida serving the greater Tampa, Florida area.

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