Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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Dealing with Edema and How to Conquer It

Dealing with Edema and How to Conquer It

Edema west florida vein center varicose veinsVenous induced edema can cause chronic swelling in the ankles, legs, and even in your feet.  Edema is often a sign that you have an underlying issue such as venous insufficiency (vein disease). It could also be a lymph node or kidney issue.

Having varicose veins increased the chance of water retention. Extra fluid increases the pressure of your blood flowing through the veins systemically. When this is allowed to continue, that pressure and water builds up causing swelling and edema.

Edema is painful and should be addressed as soon as possible with a Vein Specialist such as Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at the West Florida Vein Center of Safety Harbor, Florida.

While there is no substitute for a professional consultation and medical advice, we wanted to give you a few things that you can do at home.

Wearing compression stockings during the day can help keep your vein walls supported and strong.

Regular exercise can help promote blood flow.

Raising / elevating your legs can help reduce pressure and ease the job your heart has to pump blood throughout the body, thus alleviating pressure on your leg veins and reducing swelling and pain.

Ice therapy – use cool ice packs on your legs at night and if possible, during the day for 15 to 20 minutes to help keep inflammation in check.

Keep Hydrated – The less water you have in your body the harder it is for your heart to work properly. Chronic dehydration can lead to vein problems.

Eat a low salt diet – Salt retains water and can make edema worse.

Travel or working – take breaks and stand up and walk around as often as you can.

If you are noticing pain, swelling, edema, varicose veins, or other leg pain related issues we cordially invite you to come in to West Florida Vein Center and do an evaluation with Dr. Zuzga, D.O. www.westfloridaveincenter.com 727-712-3233.



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