Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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What Do Vein Specialists Do?

What Do Vein Specialists Do?

What Do Vein Specialists Do?There are so many types of doctors it can be confusing to know exactly who it is you need to make an appointment with when it goes beyond your normal everyday general practitioner.

Vein Specialists are professionals who have chosen the area of focus within the circulatory system of veins and vein damage. They diagnose and treat all conditions related to veins.

If you are having trouble with the way your legs feel or look, you may need a Vein Specialist.

Signs That You Could Benefit from Seeing a Vein Specialist

  1. Swelling or pain in just one leg – Or one leg more than the other – Although you may think of pain and inflammation in conjunction with muscle or joint injuries, sometimes they are an indication of vein issues. When you notice pain, swelling, or fluid retention in one leg and not the other, it could be a sign of poor circulation and should be checked by a vein specialist.
  2. Your Legs Feel Heavy – Standing or sitting for an extended period of time should not cause your legs to feel heavy, weak, or tired. If you feel this regularly, contact a specialist to determine if there is a blockage or other issue within the leg veins.
  3. You are Starting to See Visible Veins – you may begin to notice red, blue, or purple veins beneath the skin. They may be thick and web-like (spider veins) or thick and ropy (varicose veins). They may lead to a dry or burning sensation if left untreated.
  4. Leg Pain That Won’t Go Away – Persistent leg pain is an indication of venous disease.
  5. Pregnancy – If you notice leg swelling, pain, or visible veins during pregnancy, it’s a good idea to get checked out by a specialist.
  6. You Have a Family History of Vein Disease – if your mother, grandmother, father, or aunts and uncles have varicose veins, it’s more likely that you may develop them as well.
  7. Dry Patches Near Ankles – This comes before ulcerations which are tough to heal. It is always best to halt vein disease in its tracks early.

How Can a Vein Specialist Help?

Vein specialists are trained to spot symptoms of venous issues with the circulatory system. Through a comprehensive evaluation using diagnostic screenings and tests, they can help determine the cause of your symptoms. From there a treatment path is recommended. This may include in-office procedures as well as at-home self-care with lifestyle modifications.

Take Charge of Your Vein Health

To learn more about signs of vein disease, contact the office of Dr. Mark Zuzga, D.O. at the West Florida Vein Center. His knowledgeable staff can help determine if the symptoms you are experiencing are signs of a vein disorder and if you need to schedule an appointment. Give the office a call at 727-712-3233 or visit www.westfloridaveincenter.com to learn more about our practice.




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