Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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Is Restless Leg Syndrome and Your Vein Health Related?

Is Restless Leg Syndrome and Your Vein Health Related?

restlesslegsWhile varicose veins are unpleasant and uncomfortable enough in and of themselves, patients often experience further discomfort from other associated conditions that arise alongside varicose veins and other venous conditions. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is one such condition, that can best be described as an almost constant urge to move one’s limbs. Though most commonly felt in the lower extremities, RLS can also effect the torso and arms, and unfortunately those who suffer from RLS can only find relief by moving their effected limbs.

While the most common cause of RLS is actually iron deficiency, physicians and vein specialists are now calling attention to varicose veins and venous insufficiency as major causes as well. As the correlation between RLS and varicose veins becomes more apparent, more and more patients are able to find relief for their RLS symptoms through treatment of their venous disease. RLS can only be prevented through prevention of its underlying causes, and, while varicose veins are not the only condition with the potential to cause RLS, treating one’s venous disease can at the very least prevent cases of RLS that would arise from having venous insufficiency as well.

Some important things to note about Restless Leg Syndrome:

  • RLS is a progressive disease, meaning that symptoms can become worse over time. On the other hand, symptoms can also improve over time.
  • RLS is a spectrum disease, meaning the severity of symptoms varies greatly from patient to patient.
  • RLS can be a primary or secondary disease, meaning that it can appear on its own independent of other conditions or as a result of another condition, respectively.
  • RLS can appear at any age, even young children and adolescents.
  • RLS is more common in women, possibly because varicose veins and other vein disorders are more common in women.

Because varicose veins are highly treatable, many patients report immediate relief in their RLS symptoms simply by addressing their unhealthy veins. A relatively new and popular treatment for venous insufficiency is endovenous ablation therapy, a form of treatment in which heat is applied to the problem vein using either laser or radio frequencies. This procedure serves to close and eventually dissolve the problem veins and is relatively painless and minimally invasive, causing very little interruption in the patient’s daily life. Patients can also help themselves immensely in their daily lives simply by remaining active, exercising frequently, maintaing a healthy diet and weight, elevating their legs when sitting or laying down, and refraining from smoking cigarettes.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of RLS, such as itching, burning, or a feeling that insects are crawling underneath the skin, then a consultation with a vascular specialist may be you first step in seeking information and relief. If you’re in the Tampa area, Dr. Zuzga of West Florida Vein Center is available for diagnosis and treatment of all vein disorders and their associated conditions. No matter the severity of your RLS, no one should have to suffer or feel uncomfortable at rest, so contact Dr. Zuzga today!

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