Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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Recovery Time from Treatments

Recovery Time from Treatments

recoverySurgery can be nerve-raking. Surgery can also be lifesaving. When it comes to venous diseases, surgery can relieve pain for the patient, as well as prevent death. Since venous diseases are serious issues that can lead to ulcers and blood clots, it’s best to take care of the issue before it worsens. For patients with serious issues in the veins, surgical treatments are the best option. These days, people are busy (jobs, kids, events, meetings) and don’t want to be off their feet too long because of surgery. Recovery times for vein treatments vary, and it’s best to talk to the doctor about which treatment is best for your symptoms, lifestyle and needs.

Vein Treatments and Their Recovery Times

Endovenous Ablation (EVLT or Endovenous Laster Treatment) –  This treatment can be done right in the doctor’s office. This procedure is a minimally-invasive treatment that leaves little to no scarring. It has the greatest efficiency of any vein treatment and rarely requires a repeat procedure. This treatment is best on smaller and straighter veins. Recovery is quick and is practically painless. Patients can resume normal daily activities during the day after the procedure. Patients are asked to wear compression stockings for a full week after treatment. In two weeks, patients can resume strenuous exercise. Bruising and minimal pain can be experienced at the site of ablation, but will be resolved in a few weeks.

Microphlebectomy/Phlebectomy – In this procedure, varicose veins are micro-surgically removed through tiny punctures in the skin. The doctor makes tiny incisions (size of a ball-point pen tip) and uses a crochet-type hook to “grab” the vein and remove it. Most patients say the procedure isn’t painful. Recovery is minimal. After the treatment, a doctor usually prescribes some prescription-strength ibuprofen for the first day or two, but many patients choose to just take extra-strength Tylenol or Motrin. Patients are asked to take it easy for the first 48 hours after treatment, but walking is encouraged to help with healing. Patients are able to walk right out of the office post treatment. Strenuous exercise, swimming, and entering a hot tub should be off limits for seven to 10 days. Otherwise, other activities can resume two to three days after the procedure.

Sclerotheraphy – This procedure involves a solution injection into small to medium varicose veins and spider veins. The solution causes the veins to shrink, close off, and eventually disappear. The procedure takes 15 minutes; multiple sessions may be required. Patients leave the office free of discomfort. Normal activities can be resumed immediately. Looking forward, patients are urged to wear compression stockings for longer trips, prolonged standing, or when legs are achy. The only part that takes time with the recovery is getting the veins to look the way the patient wants them to.

Venefit TM– This procedure is a minimally invasive segmental ablation treatment that utilizes radiofrequency energy to provide an even and uniform heat to contract the collagen in the vein walls; this causes the veins to collapse and seal. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood will re-enter healthy veins. This treatment has less bruising than the endovenous laser. Recovery is quick with this procedure; patients resume normal activities within 24 hours. Patients are encouraged to walk often to promote healing. Strenuous exercise and prolonged standing should be avoided for around two weeks.

Looking for a Vein Treatment?

Vein diseases are uncomfortable, unsightly, and potentially life-threatening. Regardless of the severity, one of the above treatments may be able to alleviate your problems. If you’re suffering from a venous disease, contact Dr. Zuzga at West Florida Vein Center to schedule a consultation to discuss the best vein treatment options for you. He can be reached here or 727-712-3233.

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