Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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Category: Spider Veins

Spider Veins – Get The Facts

Nearly 40 million people in the United States of America in 2019 are suffering from varicose and spider veins. That includes a current estimate of approximately 50% of the population over

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Symptoms of Varicose Vein and Venous Insufficiency

Varicose veins are often thought of as a visual nuisance. They are considered unattractive and most who present symptoms of venous insufficiency will do their very best to dress accordingly to

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Facial Spider Veins – What You Can Do to Help Prevent Them From Forming

When you hear the word “spider veins” you most likely think of someone’s legs. While the lower leg area is the most prevalent space for them to appear, surprisingly the face

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Could Sclerotherapy Be Right For You?

Many patients hold off on treatments for fear of pain or for concern about the outcome. When you live with varicose veins for a long time you begin to feel like

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