Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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Tag: dr. zuzga

Welcoming New Patients to West Florida Vein, Tampa Bay’s Premier Vein Center

If you’re one of the countless people who suffer from varicose or spider veins, deep vein thrombosis, or any other vein-related health issue, then you understand the importance of finding quality

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Varicose Veins Can Happen at Any Age

While it is undoubtedly true that varicose veins are more common with age and are especially common in women during and past their child-bearing years, this does not mean that they

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Birth Control Linked to Vein Issues

When it comes to varicose veins and venous insufficiency, women definitely seem to have it a lot harder than men. While both men and women can share certain risk factors that

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Arteries and Veins – What is the Difference?

Most people know that arteries and veins are important for our bodies to function properly, but not everyone understands the differences between the two types of vessels. Arteries and veins play

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