Under the expert guidance of our Board Certified Vascular Surgeon, Dr. Mark Zuzga, our team of Vein Specialists & Vascular Experts are committed to delivering top-tier outpatient vascular & vein evaluation and treatment throughout the greater Tampa & West Florida surrounding areas. Should you find yourself dealing with leg pain, swelling, ulcers, discoloration, or the appearance of spider and varicose veins, we invite you to request a screening today

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Tag: dvt

Are you embarrassed to wear shorts?

As we age, varicose and spider veins tend to creep up on us. One day our legs look youthful and the next they have a suddenly appearing purplish wiggly line. Up

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Is it a blood clot?

If you are even asking yourself this question, please read on. If you do have a clot it is important to get medical help as soon as possible. Blood clots can

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A Blood Clot’s Correlation to Varicose Veins

If you think you have varicose veins or do have them, it’s in your best interest to see a vein specialist. Why? These veins are unhealthy and they could be your

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March is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month

Once every six minutes, someone dies from a blood clot. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is serious, so serious that the month of March is DVT Awareness Month. Around 2 million Americans

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